Abortion Pill or Medication Abortion

If you are early in the pregnancy, you have the option of taking medications which will induce a miscarriage that happens over the course of two or three days. There are pros and cons to both the the pill and abortion procedure, so consider your situation carefully to decide what is best for you. The guide Which Method is Right for Me can be helpful.

At Southern Tier Women’s Health we perform an ultrasound exam on all patients to be sure the pregnancy is inside the uterus. This rules out the possibility of a tubal or ectopic pregnancy which is a serious and dangerous complication.

The first medication, mifepristone, is taken on Day 1, usually in our office. This causes the sac that contains the pregnancy to detach from the wall of the uterus and stop growing. The second dose, misoprostol, should be taken 24- 48 hours later and that helps your body pass the pregnancy. Expect 3-5 hours of cramps, bleeding, and clotting after taking it. A follow-up appointment, which includes an ultrasound, is needed to be sure the abortion is complete. This visit is short and scheduled within 1-2 weeks at your convenience, and at no out of pocket cost to you. If you have concerns or want to discuss birth control plans our doctor or nurse practitioner will be glad to discuss.

If you have had an abortion at someplace other than our clinic, we are happy to provide abortion follow-up appointments, aftercare and birth control.